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about alyssa guerrero



Growing up on the island of Guam, I was surrounded by lush jungle and salty beaches. I found beauty in the shape of breadfruit leaves, the lines and texture of banyan trees and the hot pink skies at sunset. Even from an early age, I sought to replicate that beauty to send back out into the world. Always at work with my hands, I was either painting, drawing, or crafting toys made of paper.

Today, I’m still working with my hands. My work draws on nature and the magic in everyday life—sometimes sassy, often floral-forward, but always embracing texture and color. I love exploring multiple mediums, but typically reach for ink, watercolors and gouache. Based in San Francisco, my studio exists to create products that will add brightness to your life, your home, and send a bit of beauty back into the world.

In my spare time, you’ll find me scouring thrift stores, trying my hands at a new craft (punch needle, I’m coming for you), and exploring the city and all its eats with my husband, Timothy.

studio history

With years of experience designing for both local and global brands, I decided to freelance full time in 2016. I soon realized I’m happiest when I focus on making artwork and products for others to enjoy. I began collaborating with companies to feature my art on their products, and eventually launched my own shop and product line.


Follow along @alyssamarieguerrero on Instagram