Hang In There, Babe

On March 17th, we were ordered to shelter in place in San Francisco because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, eight weeks later, I’m with countless others all over the world in feeling overwhelmed with sadness, fear and monotony.

I drew this lettering piece and shared it on instagram as something I felt I needed for myself. Hopefully it’s an encouragement to you, too.


I created two versions of this piece you can print out and post to your walls. We could all use some encouragement these days, so please hang in there, babes! We’re in this together.

HangInTherePrintout_AlyssaGuerrero copy.jpg

To download the black version, click here.

To download the lavender version, click here.

Please note: Designs are for personal use only.

Stay safe!


Alyssa Guerrero